
Enjoy a full set of teeth

Whether it happened through accident, age, or decay, missing most or all of your teeth is a real struggle. You suffer from both confidence and quality of life issues—with the missing teeth often changing or distorting the shape of your face, and making you unable to enjoy your favorite foods. This problem can also cause oral hygiene issues that impact your overall health.

At Mahairi Dental Center, we provide high quality, custom fitted dentures that can restore you to health and happiness.

Do you need dentures?

If you’re missing all or most of your teeth, and if your remaining teeth are damaged, you are a good candidate for dentures. These dental appliances replace a full set of teeth, and can be removed and replaced in your mouth as needed for cleaning and comfort.

Good dentures will both look and feel great, and will be made for a perfect fit with your mouth. If you have damaged teeth remaining, you may need some dental work and a healing period before you can be fitted with dentures.

Make an appointment and discuss your options for high quality, affordable dentures.

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